AristoCraft implements unique innovative learning approach that combines science (Aristotle) with carpentry (Craft). Each model is an independent seminar in a box and provide your child the best of all worlds:

Our models were designed to develop critical skills your child will need to succeed: self-learning, confidence in their own abilities and high self-esteem, and a deeper understanding of science in the context of the world in which we live.

At AristoCraft we have created a real hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) educational program that integrates physical and electronic principles with the self-assembly of dynamic wooden models.
Each model is one of a kind, and based upon its own law of physics. Students are entertained and empowered through building each model, as they grasp that science surrounds us and is not only in our textbooks.

The kit includes three color-coded booklets with full pedagogical content that makes self-learning easy:
1. A brown booklet with step-by-step assembly instructions, including detailed illustrations.
2. A gray booklet that explains the principle of physics on which your model is based, and its uses in the world around us. The content is user friendly and easy to understand.
3. A green exercise booklet with questions to test your child and improve their understanding.

AristoCraft's models and their pedagogical guide qualify as Project Based Learning, which is considered to be one of the most effective methods of learning and remembering new material.

A leading principle in our design of AristoCraft’s models is KISS - Keep It Short and Simple. In practice, this means that all our models can be assembled in 1 to 2.5 hours at the most, without the help of an adult, and with accompanying content that is clearly written and easy to understand. Our team’s specialty is simplifying physics concepts through building a playable dynamic model, with short and simple explanations.

Each AristoCraft kit was tested by hundreds of young minds and is guaranteed to be great. The sense of accomplishment of assembling a complete model will boost your child’s confidence and bolster their self-esteem. These sentiments will encourage your child’s continued learning, and propel them to advance their skills.

The wonders of physics come to life in our models, inspiring your child’s interest in science. After assembling their first AristoCraft model, 86% of the kids in our pilot indicated they’d rather assemble another one than watch their favorite TV show or play their favorite game.


“Our self-confidence and self-esteem are a direct outcome of our life experiences and successes.
Children that build AristoCraft models are literally building their mental strength with every successful assembly of a complete model. In my opinion, this is even more important than the educational aspect.”

Yifat Shem Tov

NLP trainer

"With the price of one private lesson,
you can buy your child knowledge that he will never forget, crucial skills, and fun self-learning experience.
To my opinion, this is one of the best investments a parent can do."

Noam Manor

System engineer &
a father of three 🙂

“This is the perfect platform for homeschooling.
Step by step, the models guide the child,
with knowledge and skills that prepare him to the Twenty-First Century.”

Dafna Bram

Head Principal of elementary and junior high school in Tel Aviv &
a mother of two 🙂

“So far AristoCraft kits are the only ones I know of, that contain theoretical explanations and workbooks in addition to the assembly instructions.
Finally, a real hands-on education system that connects body and mind.”

Dovrat Noyman

Educational game's creator &
a mother of three 🙂

“The ultimate answer for parents who look for real quality time activities with their child.
Provides a great togetherness experience that will make you better as a team and will improve your communication.”

Arik Daniel

Body-psychotherapist &
a father of three 🙂

“AristoCraft models are ageless.
We have hundreds of students at ages of 9 to 15 that enjoys AristoCraft workshops every year.
The scientific contents and skills that they learn with the models are priceless.”

Daniel Kovler

Founder of Atid Plus association &
the chairman of the executive board

aristo craft, educational toys, physics toys, wooden models

Get your exciting & dynamic self-assembly
models now!





Hydraulic Lift


Combination Lock


Marbles’ Seesaw


Archimedes’ Screw


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